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What Will You Do with God’s Gifts?

What Will You Do with God’s Gifts?

Each of us have been given gifts from God. Today’s sermon asks what we will do when God calls us to use them. 2nd Sunday Ordinary Time Year B 2012

Making Christ our GPS for Life

Making Christ our GPS for Life

Today’s homily for the Epiphany of the Lord is based on the Gospel of Matthew 2:1-12. It asks where do we find our instructions for life. The Epiphany of the Lord Year B 2012

Services for Msgr. William Murray

Services for Msgr. William Murray

Msgr. Murray will lay in state in Immaculate Conception Church from 8:45 AM until 9:30 AM. Friends and parishioners may come and pay their respects. After 9:30 AM, the coffin will be closed. Funeral will be celebrated at 10:00 AM. Burial will be in St. Francis Cemetery.

Msgr. William Murray Passes Away

Msgr. William Murray Passes Away

For those of you who remember him, Msgr. William Murray entered eternal life this evening (Tuesday) at 6:00 PM.  He died in Florida and will be buried here at Immaculate Conception on Saturday at 10:00 AM (Tentative). Our parish was founded by Fr. Meadows.  He arrived in October, was diagnosed with terminal cancer in December, […]

Put Your Hand in the Hand of God

Put Your Hand in the Hand of God

Let us all put our hands in the Hand of God as we begin a new year and, like Mary, become instruments of God to the world. Feast of Mary Mother of God (New Year’s Day) Year B 2012

Immaculate Conception Catholic Church    237 Garden Hills Drive, Cranston, RI 02920    Phone: 401.942.1854    Fax: 401.942.2897