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To Kill A Mockingbird

To Kill A Mockingbird

Atticus Finch was a quiet man who taught by example and not by words. His example can teach us what it means to follow Christ the King. Solemnity of Christ the King Year B 2012

Today We Give Thanks

Today We Give Thanks

Today is the day we set aside from all other days to give thanks to our Lord, who provides us with all things. Our Pilgrim ancestors had little reason to be thankful after a harsh winter and many travails, but were thankful none-the-less for the gifts that God granted them. Thanksgiving Day Mass Year B […]

The Widow’s Mule

The Widow’s Mule

Today’s readings from Daniel and the Gospel of Mark do not call for us to fear the future, the call for us to act today. These readings should remind us to think of our neighbors today and not put off until tomorrow our ministry to others. 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B 2012

The Generous Widows

The Generous Widows

Today we hear two stories of widow’s who give all that they have to others. They set an example for us to follow. Jesus, in the Gospel reading from Mark states, “this poor widow put in more than all the other contributors…” May these widows teach us to live as Christ did. 32nd Sunday in […]

Pay Attention!

Pay Attention!

Remember when you were a kid and everyone yelled, “Pay Attention!” That is the message we’re hearing in today’s readings. Moses is telling the people to pay attention to God while Jesus takes it one step further and tells us to pay attention to our neighbor as well. Are you paying attention? 31st Sunday in […]

The Communion of Saints

The Communion of Saints

We are called each and every day to live the Gospel of Christ. By living the Gospel, we join the communion of saints – those who came before us, those who live with us, and those who are yet to be. Feast of All Saints Year B 2012

Immaculate Conception Catholic Church    237 Garden Hills Drive, Cranston, RI 02920    Phone: 401.942.1854    Fax: 401.942.2897