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The Flight into Egypt

The Flight into Egypt

Shortly after Jesus’ birth, the Holy Family began a life filled with challenges and trials. These struggles helped strengthen and deepen their love. We receive the same grace from God when our families face times of difficulty and pain. During this Christmas season, may we find unconditional love, forgiveness, and acceptance within our own families. […]

The Gift of Christmas

The Gift of Christmas

Christ was born and came into our world to show us how much God loves and cares for us. Let us be Christmas for others as Christ became Christmas for us. Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) Year A 2013

The Little Innkeeper

The Little Innkeeper

Often when we think of Christmas, we think of children and their joy as they celebrate the season. But Christmas was very serious for Mary and Joseph. They faced hardships and challenges from the start. With their faith, they were able to meet and overcome these obstacles. Let us pray that we will be granted […]

We Are Not a Number

We Are Not a Number

We are often identified by a number: our Social Security number, our drivers license number, phone number, etc. In a sense, we begin to lose our personhood, our sense of humanity. God asks us to change this. He calls us to change our hearts and lives and realize that each of us is a precious […]

Two Brothers

Two Brothers

Two brothers, Ishmael and Isaac. Both good, but one banished due to envy. Thus the great discord between the Jewish and Arab world began. Christ, who is the Prince of Peace, calls us to prepare a way for and end to this strife, this violence, and to bring about a new kingdom on Earth that […]

The Telephone is Ringing…

The Telephone is Ringing…

This Advent, let us be wise and spend this time finding hope in the power of God’s love. Let it be our ‘wake-up’ call to live our lives better in Christ Jesus. 1st Sunday of Advent Year A 2013

Be Thankful, For God Is With Us

Be Thankful, For God Is With Us

Whenever we become imprisoned by looking inward at our own lives, we loose the ability to look around us and discover the richness of God’s love that surrounds us. Thanksgiving Day Mass Year C 2013

Christ Is King

Christ Is King

Today we celebrate the Feast of Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. And Jesus Christ is King. Not because of His great power, but because of His great love and compassion. We are called to follow Christ who is our King by living that love for our fellow mankind. Solemnity of Christ the King Year […]

What’s in Your Pocket?

What’s in Your Pocket?

When the Day of the Lord comes, what will be in your pocket? Will it be a yellow piece of paper detailing a wasted life? Or will be it be a life rich with treasures caring for others and extending God’s promise of paradise to others here on earth? 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year […]

Run the Race

Run the Race

God does not ask us to watch the race, God calls us to run the race. Eric Liddell ran the race. Our new Holy Father, Pope Francis, begs to do more than listen to the Word of God, Pope Francis teaches us that to live in God we must live for others. 32nd Sunday in Ordinary […]

Immaculate Conception Catholic Church    237 Garden Hills Drive, Cranston, RI 02920    Phone: 401.942.1854    Fax: 401.942.2897