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Two Loves, Both Profound, One Human, One Divine

Two Loves, Both Profound, One Human, One Divine

Every few years Trinity Sunday and Memorial Day are the same weekend, as they are this year. Memorial Day celebrates the ultimate sacrifice that men and women have given for love of our great nation. Trinity Sunday celebrates Christ eternal gift of the Spirit so that He may be with us always. Let us use […]

Embrace the World

Embrace the World

The gift of the Spirit was not given to the disciples, not given to us, so that we might hide from the world and treasure it. The gift of the Spirit, which we celebrate today on Pentecost, is given to all to be shared with the world. To embrace the world and share the message […]

A Single Person Can Change the World

A Single Person Can Change the World

Like the disciples, we need to leave the upper room. One might think the title refers to Christ, who changed the world more than anyone else. But the title refers to you. You have the power to change the world. Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord Year C 2013

Love Outlasts All Fame

Love Outlasts All Fame

After their flame has guttered and gone out, who remembers the rich, the famous? Five or ten years later, memory of them is like a faint smoke from a candle long burnt out. Yet the memory of those who have loved us lingers always. The love that Jesus taught and brought into the world outlasts […]

Immaculate Conception Catholic Church    237 Garden Hills Drive, Cranston, RI 02920    Phone: 401.942.1854    Fax: 401.942.2897