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Fr. Wilson’s Weekly Address

Fr. Wilson’s Weekly Address

Dear Parishioners, Congratulations to the couples of our parish who participated in the Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration at the Cathedral last Sunday: Deacon Thomas & Ann Raspallo (50 years), Peter & Gail Mitchell (50 years) and Richard & Marylyn Sepe (40 years). It was an honor and a privilege to concelebrate the Mass with Bishop […]

Fr. Wilson’s Weekly Address

Fr. Wilson’s Weekly Address

Dear Parishioners, Next week, our Parish Office hours are set to change from 8:30 am – 4:00 pm to 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. The Parish Staff approached me and asked if we could settle on a permanent schedule all year round and to make our lunch hour a little later to accommodate parishioners who […]

Religious Education: Important Information Information

Religious Education: Important Information Information

Classes will begin on Sunday, September 27 and Monday, September 28 for all students in grades 1-8. Students in grades 9 & 10 will begin on Monday, October 5. There will be parent meetings in the Church during the first class sessions for students in grades 1-8 on September 27 and 28. For parents of […]

Fr. Wilson’s Weekly Address

Fr. Wilson’s Weekly Address

Dear Parishioners, Next weekend our parish will join all the others throughout the Diocese in a special second collection in support of our retired priests. After decades of service, many retired priests continue to serve where they are needed, while others require assisted living or nursing home care. Since priests are paid a modest wage, […]

Fr. Wilson’s Weekly Address

Fr. Wilson’s Weekly Address

Dear Parishioners, Our new school year began last week without a single hitch (including our new “Little Saints” program for 3 year olds!). Our outstanding faculty and staff under the loving care of our principal, Mrs. Rebecca Kelley, got our 348 students settled in and right to work. It’s always good to hear the sound […]

Immaculate Conception Catholic Church    237 Garden Hills Drive, Cranston, RI 02920    Phone: 401.942.1854    Fax: 401.942.2897