Sunday, December 6, 2015

Fr. Wilson’s Weekly Address


Dear Parishioners,

What a wonderful turnout for our Thanksgiving Eve Mass this year!! How blessed we are as a parish when we fill our church for a Mass we don’t have to attend. Thank you for such an inspiring witness to your Catholic faith! A special word of thanks to the many people who brought food and monetary donations for the struggling among us: Assumption Parish was overwhelmed by your generosity! May God bless you for your sacrifice.

Our Thanksgiving Homecoming Gathering was a lot of fun! We enjoyed a warm fire, plenty of hot chocolate, and lots of laughs, catching-up and the strengthening of our parish family bonds. My thanks to everyone who joined us and especially to Frank Galligan, Al Schultheis and Julie Baker who arranged everything.

Last week, as you know, our Giving Tree was set-up. In one weekend, over 400 stars were taken! Incredible! Your kindness to the needy is truly extraordinary. There will be many surprised faces this Christmas because of you! Thank you.

Our Celebration of Carols last Tuesday was a beautiful evening of prayer and song (despite the rain)! Our Parish Choir was amazing, as usual, and our Intermediate and High School Handbell Choirs as well as our school’s Middle School Chorus made us smile as they blessed us with their musical gifts. My thanks to our Music Director and Organist, Terry Lindsay, for organizing this wonderful night and to all the members of our parish and handbells choirs and school chorus who volunteer their time and practice so faithfully!

Finally, this Tuesday, December 8th, is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception—a Holy Day of Obligation for Catholics and our Patronal Feast Day. Masses will be Monday (Vigil) at 7:00 PM (with our Grades 6-10 CCD students) and Tuesday at 7:00 AM, 12 Noon (with Immaculate Conception School) and 7:00 PM. I look forward to celebrating with you this glorious feast of our Blessed Mother and asking her special intercession and protection over our parish! God bless you in the week ahead.

Fr. Wilson

PS There will be a Children’s Mass next Sunday, December 133h at 10:30 AM (the last one before Christmas). I hope you can join us!

Immaculate Conception Catholic Church    237 Garden Hills Drive, Cranston, RI 02920    Phone: 401.942.1854    Fax: 401.942.2897