With nearly 7,500 parishioners, this parish, like any parish, demands a wide spectrum of leaders in order to meet the needs of the parish. Our parish is rich in individuals who are willing to come together and work for the good of the people of our parish. Leadership is found in the Parish Staff who center their efforts on the principal centers of Parish Life (music, education, attention to those in need, administration). Beyond that there are those nominated by the pastor and appointed the bishop whose responsibility is to advise the pastor and insure the proper running of the parish (Trustees and Auditors). And finally there is a large number of parishioners who involve themselves in every dimension of parish life. They head organizations, instruct in our religious education program, assure the proper preparation for Baptism, and coordinate countless parish efforts. Without these leaders our parish would be at a great loss. With these leaders our parish shines as a place where the Spirit of God is actively assisting us to build up God’s kingdom.
Staff, Trustees, Auditors »
Ministry Committee »
Finance Council »