Sunday, August 30, 2015

Fr. Wilson’s Weekly Address

Dear Parishioners,

Next weekend our new Mass Schedule takes effect! The Saturday Vigil Mass remains at 4:00 PM and the Sunday Mass Schedule changes to 8:00 AM, 10:30 AM and 5:00 PM. While change can be unsettling, I believe this revised Mass schedule will bless our parish in new and exciting ways! Thank you for your patience and support as we adjust to these new Mass times.

We’re still in need of a few more ushers and greeters at the 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM Masses on Sunday. If you plan to attend regularly either of these Masses, please consider volunteering for this important ministry in our parish. Thank you!

We welcome back to our parish next weekend, Msgr. Albert Kenney. As you know, Msgr. Kenney spends the summer months helping at St. James Chapel in Charlestown. As the summer comes to close, we look forward to his return to our parish. Msgr. Kenney will celebrate a different Mass each weekend, so be on the lookout for him. Additionally, he celebrates the 8:00 AM morning Mass every Thursday. Welcome Back, Msgr. Kenney!

Next Friday is a First Friday of the month. In addition to our morning Mass at 8:00 AM and our Mass of the Holy Spirit to open the new school year at 9:00 AM, we will have Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at 12 Noon and Adoration until 7:00 PM at which time we will pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet, offer prayers to the Sacred Heart and celebrate Benediction. Last month we had over 75 people join us—it was wonderful!! Please consider stopping in during the day to spend time with Jesus and joining us in prayer at 7:00 PM.

Would you be interested in joining our new parish “Prayer Circle Ministry”? It is not difficult at all. If you join up, you will be placed on a prayer team and asked to pray one decade of the rosary for the group of intentions passed on to you. When you finish your prayer, you are asked to call the next person on the circle. It’s that easy! This is a beautiful ministry that everyone can do—and it brings many blessings. I invite as many people as possible to join as “intercessors” for our sisters and brothers in need. If you have any questions, please call Michelle at our Parish Office. God bless you in the week ahead.

Fr. Wilson

Immaculate Conception Catholic Church    237 Garden Hills Drive, Cranston, RI 02920    Phone: 401.942.1854    Fax: 401.942.2897