This experience is for persons living within the parish boundaries who are unbaptized and who wish to become Catholics. This program is also intended for those who have been baptized in another faith but who wish to come into full communion with the Catholic Church. This program also ministers to those baptized Catholics who have not yet made either or both their First Eucharist or Confirmation.
This program begins in the early Fall and continues through Easter. It is at the Easter Vigil that candidates are received into the Church and complete their sacramental initiation. The Catechumenate meets every week. Each candidate is usually accompanied by a sponsor. The sessions of the Catechumenate are meant to assist individuals in their own personal journey of faith and to inform them of the tenets of belief which the Church holds. The place of the Word of God and the Eucharist in the lives of the faithful are central to this experience.
Please Contact John and Rita Peiczarek at our Parish Office for More Information ยป