Ministry Schedule October 2024 – January 2025
The responsibility of proclaiming the Word of God is a very serious one. Two lectors are used at every Sunday celebration of the Eucharist. Lectors are expected to spend time each week preparing for the work of this ministry. At present, our parish has about 28 individuals involved in this ministry.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Over 80 members of our parish serve as Extraordinary Ministers. The length of service is for a two-year period. These ministers assist in the distribution of the Eucharist at Sunday Mass. Also, a smaller group of ministers assist in bringing communion to the sick on Sunday morning.
Altar Servers
There are over 40 altar servers who assist in our parish. Boys and girls must be in at least the fourth grade before beginning to serve. Many continue well into high school. Training is provided for new altar servers.
A group of fourteen cantors work weekly to support the parish in its sung prayer. With their primary responsibility being the singing of psalmody, the cantors lead the parish in new music and act as soloist if a particular hymn or song requires it. Cantors meet on an as needed basis. The selection of cantors is the responsibility of the Music Director and generally reserved to members of the choir who express interest and willingness to serve.